Empowerment Broadcast Network

Shalom everyone. Thank you for tuning in to our newest page, The Empowerment Broadcast Network. This page, like all of our pages are designed to help by giving more tools to aid in growth/maturity in Halakah (The Walk). This broadcast is devoted to giving smaller breakdowns that are easier to grasp how/why we do what we do. We know that sometimes do to the length of teachings, as well as the depth of the teachings, some information is a little more difficult to completely understand. This broadcast will be featuring predominantly the set leaders of E.B.T Ministries- Our Founder, Moreh Malak Yahu'shaag and His wife Morah Ahuvah. We will be doing segments on a variety of topics that range from new information (i.e How do we study?, etc...) to teachings that were already taught (i.e what is a Spirit?, etc...) We pray that Yahuah (The Lord) our creator and Yahusha Ha Mashiac (Jesus our Messiah) would bless you thoroughly through this network. Shalom and enjoy.